what age is elderly

Is there a caregiver allowance? Can I get paid to take care of mom and dad?  I can’t tell you the number of times I have been asked these questions. While I hate to be the bearer of bad news, my shoulders are broad enough to be this bearer. The only province in Canada that has such an allowance is Nova Scotia (known as The Caregiver Benefit Program). Yes, you read that right. Nova Scotia.

Before you pack your bags and your parents, and head out to this fine eastern province, check out the federal tax benefits and insurance benefits that are available to all Canadian citizens. Bookmark this page, because it’s not if, but when, you are going to need this information. Did someone say financial stress?

Federal tax credits and insurance benefits

Here are steps you can take to minimize financial stress for both you as a daughter/son and for your parent:

  • Learn about the federal government’s Compassionate Care Benefit (CCB) program. Employment Insurance benefits and job protection are provided to eligible family members for up to twenty-eight weeks while caring for someone.
  • Claim the Canada Caregiver Credit when you file your income tax.
  • Consider an application for the Disability Tax Credit. A person with a “severe and prolonged” impairment in physical or mental function may claim the disability amount once they are eligible. Caregivers of dependents or spouses/common law partners may be eligible to have the disability tax credit amount transferred to their own tax return.
  • Reach out to the local constituency office of your provincial government (MPP, MNA or MLA) or federal Member of Parliament (MP) for the most up–to-date provincial and federal assistance available to you (the staff will also guide you and help you with applications, if needed).

Additional programs and funding

If your parent requires special equipment or assistive devices such as a wheelchair or walker, the following programs can help:

  • The Home & Vehicle Modification Program is funded by the Government of Ontario and administered by March of Dimes Canada to help Ontarians whose mobility and daily living activities are substantially restricted by an injury, birth defect, or long-term illness. If you live in British Columbia, PEI, Quebec, or Manitoba, click here to learn about similar programs available to you.
  • For more than 50 years, the Canadian Red Cross has been offering the Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP). This program is available to residents of British Columbia, Alberta, New Brunswick, PEI, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Yukon.
  • The Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Assistive Devices Program provides financial assistance to purchase medical equipment and supplies for those who qualify.
  • Ceridian Cares provides grants for not only assistive devices, but also clothing and footwear, food and basic household needs, and personal development and recreation to those who qualify.
  • I also recommend contacting national disease/illness-specific organizations (such as Muscular Dystrophy Canada, The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis [ALS] Canada) for funding that they may provide.
  • Individual or local branches of national charitable organizations may provide funding for assistive devices. You can use the national websites to access the contact information for local clubs. Each club or local branch may have different offerings and application processes.

Government and charitable organization programs often change and evolve. It is a good idea to regularly check the above websites for the latest in financial assistance and support.

Bookmark this page. I would bet money you are going to need it at some point!

228 thoughts on “what age is elderly

  1. I’m caring for my brother who is quadriplegic, and I was wondering do I qualify for funding for caring for him.

    • Hi Jennifer,

      Unless your brother has some funding for a caregiver, there isn’t a caregiving allowance or pension in Ontario, sorry to report.

      Take good care, Jane

  2. I live and care for my mom but she does not support me financially so I have to work at least part-time. Is there any program that could help me financially part-time so I can spend more time and have the flexibility to bring her to her appts? Mary

  3. Four years ago I experienced a severe breathing and wheezing problem that my doctor diagnosed as chronic bronchitis with dust allergy. A year later, it worsened and I was diagnosed of COPD. I came across Herbal HealthPoint (ww w. herbalhealthpoint. c om) December, 2018 and learnt about their successful herbal therapy for COPD. I immediately started on the COPD treatment; few weeks into the treatment, i began to notice a reduction in symptoms till it all vanished. I feel better and breath better. I Just wanted to share for people suffering from this horrible lungs disease.

  4. I am caring for my elderly 90 yr old mother. She is currently living with me.
    Even though I am not well from a car accident and apparently did not qualify for disability pension plan 🙁 and could not work for the last 10 years, I now have my mom staying with me after coming out of the hospital.
    Would I qualify for any type of income that can help me out ???????
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you,

  5. Hi –i live in Thunder Bay Ontario and take care of my wife as it is quite a job as she has deminia and really not sure when she will be going in long term care —this ilness of her/s ( Joyce Bruley started last nov ) and what im asking you is there any kind of a goverment grant that i could possibly get for taking care of her ? As i have to dress her –cook and the list goes on and on —Thanks Terry Bruley

  6. Hey my auntie is caring for my grandmother who recently had a stroke. My auntie is having to quit her job as my grandmother still needs around the clock care. Is there anything that she can do to be able to get extra funds for daily living. Is there a way she can become homecare to my grandmother?
    Are there other services that we can look into to be able to help financially?

  7. I have a sister in LTC community care in a secured area because she has Alzheimers and M.S. I need someone to help me with dressing her when we are swimming as I have a disability and can no longer help her.

  8. Hi I am going to my mothers 2 times a week so she can stay in her house and my sister goes the other 2 days and in between there are care workers. The problem is I don’t get any gas money or anything to watch my mother when I do even have a job myself .is it wrong to get money for my gas ect for watching my mother .thanks

  9. Thank you for this info. I’m caring for my father and was glad for some help.

  10. Wondering how I can be stay at home dad and raise my kids. They have mytonic dystrophy and other problems with it. I’m full time 100% kids 24/7

  11. I am presently looking after my 85 year old pakensons mother.i am 52. and unemployed.

  12. Hey so my family is having a hard time and ive been trying to find a way to help them and then i heard about this program so i was able to get help from you guys

  13. My son is a support worker, who has a challenged person living in his home with. His recently broke up wuth his girl friend ( they did not live common law). She has just had a baby. Because the money he receives from government is tax free can she go after this money fir child support?

  14. I am the one who take care of my mom pay her bills drive her everywhere do her housework my mom cant drive she has epilepsy.

  15. My mother is 84 yrs old i live with her to take care of her. In the last few months she can not walk do to arthritis in her feet and legs she also has vertigo which throws her off balance and can fall at anytime which she has already done. I do everything for her cause she cant walk or stand very well very shaky. I dont want to leave her alone anymore its to risky. Am i eligible to get any money while i stay home to care for her and how do i go about applying for it. Please help dont know what to do and cannot leave her alone.

    • Hi Sandra,

      There is only one province-Nova Scotia-which has a caregiver benefit. It sounds like you could use some help in the home. You may want to consider exploring this home healthcare option. You can all 211 to find out what number to call.

  16. Hi I have been looking after my mother. For a while. She lately as been having remembering probably. Plus by brother just been diagnosed with liver cancer they are we are all in the same home. I have some heath problem myself . But I’m still able to get around and do shopping and other chores. But now I’m having to drive my brother out of town to his appointment in kalona. I’m not sure what I’m asking but all these tasks are hard on me I’m just wondering what is available that would help my situation thank you

    • I am sorry, I do not know what is available in Kalona as it is is the United States.

  17. hi my name is kim i am on disibility for alot of reasons, my question is my mom has terminal cancer and lives with me how can i go about getting financial help??

    • I don’t think there is any direct financial assistance available to you as a caregiver. The financial help really only comes with tax breaks (with the exception of Nova Scotia, which has a caregiver’s pension).

  18. I am staying with my eldery mother who is 85 and showing signs of dementia, she can not he alone anymore , so I’m here to help her , I am on disability myself , would there be any goverment finacial help for this situation .

    • Aside from the tax credits, i am sorry to report that there isn’t any further assistance.

  19. My daughter in law 34 yrs old has leukemia she has multiple organ issues and has had bone marrow transplants one her body rejected and we are currently waiting to see if the 2 one will work. If not my son will need to be home to care for her and their son and will require financial help. Can you suggest where to start looking .
    Thank you Donna

    • Hi Donna,

      If your son is working, he may be eligible for the Compassionate Care Benefit. We have an article on Elizz about this benefit. Your daughter in law should also be eligible for a disability pension. I would start by talking to both your local MP and local MPP’s constituency office and they should be able to even help with applications. This sounds like a really difficult situation. Please do take good care.

  20. If i am on disability,and taking care of my mother who is terminally ill;am I eligible to receive any funding?

    • Hi Mark,

      Aside from the tax credits, I am sorry but there is no funding for taking care of someone who is terminally ill.
      Take care.

  21. Hello my name is Sandra Knight I have an 85 year old mom who I live with. I wanted to know if I was eligible for any kind of benefits. I do take care of my mother 24/7 and I help with everything on a day to day basis.
    – Sandra Knight

    • Tax credits are really the only kind of financial assistance available at this time (unless you live in Nova Scotia, which is the only province with a monthly caregiver benefit, to date).

  22. I’m on ODSP myself but my mom has bi-polar illness and needs my help full time.
    Unfortunately it’s so expensive to travel to her and extra expenses
    Can I get Fincial hell?

  23. At present, there are only the tax credits. Sorry to have to report this back to you!

  24. I would contact your local government funded home care services and ask for an OT or PT to assess you for a walker. If you are eligible, they will file an application for financial assistance to pay for this walker.

  25. My mother retired from her School Board job in Alberta to take care of my dad who was diagnosed with dementia. They moved to Saskatchewan 2 years ago. Can she apply for the Caretaker’s benefit? How can I help her do this. They are really struggling since she retired.
    Paulette McKay-Green

    • Hi Paulette,

      The tax credits listed in the article are federal, so it doesn’t matter whether living in Alberta or Saskatchewan.

      Thanks for the inquiry. Take good care, Jane

  26. I am looking after my wife who is bedridden for 2.5 years now.She can’t walk so I do everything for her.I was wondering if there is any financial aid to help with the extra expence.My wife is 78 and I’m 77.Don’t want to put her in a nursing home I feel I can look after her better myself.A nursing home is the last stop and a lot of them don’t have very good reputations.We have home care for two hours in the morning and one hour in the evening the rest of the time it’s up to me which I don’t mind but with all the extra’s money is very tight.Sure hope I can get some financial help.

    • Hi Arden,

      I am sorry to report that I don’t think there is additional financial help beyond the tax credits listed in the article. I would consider checking with the federal government/Service Canada to be sure that both you and your wife are getting all you are entitled to.

      Take good care, Jane

  27. Thank you for this helpful information. I am about to bring my disabled, from a broken neck, brother to my home. Overwhelmed is what I feel right now.

    • Hi Brenda,

      When I read your response, I was so moved by your decision to care for your brother in your home. And I can well imagine that you are feeling overwhelmed. It can be especially daunting at the front end of caregiving. I wish you all the best!
      Take good care, Jane

  28. My husband has his leg amputed, on kidney dyalasis, has difibulator. I am his wife, his only caregiver, therefore I can’t work outside the home due to his disabilities. Can I get paid and or get funding to care for him? We have to travel 3 times a week for his dyalasis.

    • Hi Glenda,

      There isn’t a monthly caregiver benefit or pension if that is what you are thinking of (unless you live in Nova Scotia). You may be eligible for tax credits. Because I would need many more details to be able to determine if there is any other assistance available, I suggest you ask the staff about this where your husband receive dialysis. You may also want to contact the Kidney Foundation.

  29. hi ive been taking care of or caregiving for my friend since 2013. Ever since he got a doctors note stating he requires 24 hour care and monitoring. Now keep in mind he isn’t the type of person that wouod have just anybody looking after him as he’s been taken by other people (trust issues) most of his life. Since I’ve met him he had asked that I take care of him as he’s most trusting of me. Also I had promised his mother that I would most definitely take care of him. Thats a promise I would very much like to keep. While I’ve been doing this all these years I’ve not even once asked if there was any form of benifets I couod utilize until now. My question is this, if any benifet within the government funding is there any benifets i could be issued ? If so what and how do I go about applying for this ? Please get back to me as soon as you can i appreciate any thing you may have to offer regarding my situation. Ive not worked throughout all this as I am also on a medical disability. Thank you for your time and consideration

    • Unfortunately, there is just the tax credits available. Does your friend have any source of income? Perhaps you could receive some of this income to help with your caregiving?

  30. Hi I have been staying at home to look after both my parents there both 88 yrs old my mom is not stable on her feet and has asthma and bronchitis and heart problems my dad has just gotten over bladder and prostate cancer and has had 2 strokes in the past 1 1/2 yrs lost the sight in his right eye with first stroke and last stroke has effected his thinking process he has a hard time walking and moving and has had 2 heart attacks but i would like to keep him at home is there any financial help i can get while taking them to doctor apts looking after them and the house Thanks Sue

    • Hi Sue. The primary forms of help are tax credits. Unless you live in Nova Scotia, there is no caregiver monthly benefit or pension. There may be some provincial homecare services to help you. I am not sure which province you are living in.

  31. My wife Dianne Ginter has just come home from hospital after having a seizure and now needs constant care. i am on disability and we have 3 kids under age of 18. we are struggling with money. looking for help please.

    • The best thing is to talk to your disability worker Jason about this. Perhaps you wife should also be receiving a disability pension.

  32. My father has recently lost his partner he is a alcoholic. I vany mot bet him k . He is 77 yrs old. He is incapable of cooking or cleaning taking care of himself I have moved into the apartment . How do i apply to help with money to help cover my cost of living as they ha e hone up for me .

    What programs cam we aply
    for my dad and i

    • Hi Lorraine,

      I would need many more details in order to assist you properly. Generally speaking, there aren’t caregiver monthly benefits or pensions (exception is in the province of Nova Scotia). I don’t know enough about your situation to know if you are eligible for social assistance. And I am not sure what your dad is currently receiving on a monthly basis.

  33. Hello, how are you? I am Duane from Regina Saskatchewan. I was just wondering if you know if there would be help for me looking after my 92 Year old mother. It is hard for me to have a job and look after her as well, I do not want to put her in a home, for she doesn’t have much for money to afford that. Please let me know what you think I can do in this case, it would be very much appreciated. Thankyou, Duane.

    • Hi there Duane,

      If you are thinking about some kind of monthly benefit or pension for you as a caregiver, unfortunately such a thing isn’t available in Saskatchewan (Nova Scotia is the only province with this kind of benefit). The only financial assistance available is through tax credits. I feel for you Duane. it is hard to have a job and look after someone like your 92 year old mother. If something comes available, I will let you know.

      Take good care, Jane

  34. how do I apply for being a caregiver in Lethbridge Alberta Canada

    • Hi Liza,

      I am not sure I understand your question. How do you apply for financial assistance do you mean? I would need more details. Thanks, Jane

  35. My girlfriends mother (42) had a stroke about 10 months ago and has been unable to work since. Recently (last week) it was found that she has a brain tumour and requires 24 hour home care for the foreseeable future.. At least a few months. The only person available to take care of her is her husband (44) who will not be able to work while home with her, thus they will have no income. They have no savings or anyone who can afford to support them. They live in Gatineau in Quebec. I’ve inquired as to how much money they would need to stay afloat, including her prescribed medication and it would be $2500-$3000 a month. I wonder if there are any federal or provincial financial support systems in place for circumstances such as this. Any information and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you very much for your time,
    Noah Bellows

    • Hi Noah,

      It may be that your girlfriend’s mother will be eligible for a provincial disability pension, and if she was employed before her stroke, may also be eligible for a Canada Pension Plan Disability pension. You can check with the local Minister of Provincial Parliament’s office (MPP) and Member of Parliament (MP) for the federal one. It sounds like quite a difficult situation. There should be some financial assistance available.

      Take good care, Jane

  36. is there any financial help for either myself or my mother. she is 86, lightly disabaled and lives on her own property. i live on the property in a modular home within a hundred feet and am retired. my income is under 20 a yr hers a bit higher. i do most of the work on the property and any care she needs.

    • Hi Donna,

      Aside from tax benefits, I don’t think there is any further financial assistance available for you or your mother given what you reported about your respective incomes. Sorry to have to report this not great news!

      Take good care, Jane

  37. I would like to approve for there c e r b benifits

    • Hi Jason,

      Here is Service Canada number to call about CERB benefits, and recent changes the federal government has made.
      The fastest way for you to apply for the CERB is to call 1-800-959-2019 (opens up phone application)1-800-959-2019 or 1-800-959-2041 (opens up phone application)1-800-959-2041. If you ‘Forgot your user ID’ you will need your: Social Insurance Number (SIN) date of birth.

  38. My husband has cancer and is receiving chemo and take many other medications. He can not shower or dress himself or prepare his own meals. He has fallen over a couple of times and can not he left on his own. And obviously isn’t able to drive. We live in B.C. We need to supplement our income but how can I go out to work when he needs my care?

    • Hi Kyla,

      That is quite a difficult situation you are in and the financial stress just makes it all the more difficult. My suggestion is to connect with Family Caregivers of British Columbia. They will be able to tell you what is available, if anything, to assist with your financial situation and what is available for care in the home as well. Their Toll-Free Caregiver Support Line: 1-877-520-3267
      Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 7:00 pm. It sounds like you could also use some support as a caregiver!

      Take good care, Jane

  39. My spouse been caring for me the last 4 years i am on ODSP i am certify disable. This year she did not work due to covid 19 and me being high risk. I have several illness she helps me with all my daily needs. Is there something for her to claim for all the care giving she does for me. and the lost of work this year.

    Thank you

    • Hi Susan,

      You can talk to your ODSP workers about this…your spouse may be able to be included in your monthly disability pension. I am also wondering whether she can collect Employment Insurance. It is probably worth checking this out. Good luck and the all the best to you!

  40. what benefit can I apply for mental illness disability fund to help with bills. says:

    Hi What benefit can I apply for with a disability illlness disorder and mental ill.?

  41. I shams afroz 67 and my wife 62, are taking care of my son (on ODSP) plus mother-in-law,Father-in-law plus his four grandchildren (their father died in cancer in 2011, mother of children was divorced in couple of years before ) . Father in law paying me , rent 1150 plus grocery 450 ,utility 120, and only 100 dollar to my wife for taking care all of the 9 members including from more than 4 years. We are tired. Life is very tough damaging other areas and under depression. .More details can be given in detail . Some of the members left as a result of our tiredness. Is 100 dollar is quite enough for caregiving ,I have no idea how much govt. paying to in-laws.

  42. Hello can I get some compensation for helping out my senior mother living alone. Buying and delivering medications, groceries and cooking etc.

    Sandra Tulshi
    416 890 7393

    • Hi Sandra,

      The only help currently available are tax credits that are set out in the article. Thanks for the inquiry, Jane

    • Hi Sandra,

      There is no compensation for helping out this way, sorry to report. Aside from tax benefits, there is no financial compensation for caregivers in Ontario.

      Take good care, Jane

  43. I have moved from Alberta to Ontario to care for my elderly mother. Is there any type of funding I would qualify for? I have no income at this time.
    Thank you
    Robert Windsor

  44. I am looking for contact information for subsidy advice. We are building a small cottage on our property to house my aging parents so they can be near to us and “age at home”. Several contractors have mentioned that the government offers some financial aid in cases like ours. Can you help me?

  45. My wife Debbra Roloson has kidney failure for over the last five years, since then she has been in and out of hospitals many times. re colon , heart, her legs do not work properly, hard for her to get up and down, I help her with everything, Three times a week I drive her to hospital and pick her up after dialis plus all the drives to Hamilton for operation and follow up visits. I am a senior and Im wondering if there is help for us finanially . I also look after my 11 year old grand son, cooking cleaning etc. which we have full custody of. we do get gis and old age, my wife will turn 65 this June. This all is becoming very hard on me and my income just dosnt go that far. Is there any help.

    • Hi there,

      To say your plate is full is an understatement. Aside from tax credits, and the OAS and GIS, and CPP if you are eligible, I am wondering if you receive the child tax credit for your grandson. That may be an avenue to explore.

      Take good care, Jane

  46. Hello I need information about benefits for someone taking care of an old age person who can’t take care of themselves. The caregiver is unable to get a job. One income these days isn’t enough. There should be an income for the person who’s taking care of a loved one . We don’t want to put our mom in a home. It’s cheaper for the government to help by helping the caregivers with some type of income. Thank you ?

  47. I have been caring for my mother-in-law who lives with my husband and I for the past 11 years and she
    has a severe eye disease as well as mobility problems. I can only work 4 hours a day as I have to care for
    her, cook her meals, clean her rooms, shop for her, take her to all medical appointments and help with hygiene. I was told recently that I may qualify for some sort of benefit as I can only work half days to care for her.

    Can you please help with any of this.

    Thanking you
    Jo-Anne Deal

    • There currently isn’t any caregiver benefit for the important unpaid work you are doing Jo-Anne. As indicated in the article, it is pretty much just tax benefits at this moment in time. Sorry I can’t report better news!

      Take good care, Jane

  48. Was told by pharmacist there is program that will pay for the ensure,boost protein powder. This is for elderly father that has ALS. However pharmacist did not know name of program.

  49. I’m wondering if there is any funding available for my 92 year old Dad he is disabled and needs help with very chronic lymphodema I his leg due to a stroke. He is a pensioner and i am his sole care giver. I am 70 and also a pensioner..he requires pressure stockings and an apparatus to help him put them on.
    Both are very expensive.
    Thank you for your time.

    • Hi there,

      I think the tax credits are the main source of financial help for you. The pressure stockings would also be considered a medical expense, when it comes time to file income tax. If your dad also has public funded services, you could ask the Case Manager if there is any local financial assitance available.

      Sorry there isn’t more help out there.

      Take good care, Jane

  50. I /we live in Baynes lake area and have found myself having to take care of my Father full time basis …with no support ..emotional or financially .I have no medical or dental and not putting into my Canada Pension plan ..they consider my father ok to live at home at risk but he can not drive an more cant get his own wood let alone feed him self ,,, please give any advise or suggestions would be helpful
    Heather Kaip 780-832-2016

    and with covid a placement home is not an option

    • Hi Heather,

      I am wondering whether your father is eligible for any publicly funded services. I would suggest you call the B.C. Caregiving Support Line:
      toll-free support line at 1-877-520-3267, Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 7pm. FCBC staff are experienced in dealing with caregiver situations. They take time to listen to you and are then able to offer help with:

      Information and referral to resources
      Healthcare navigation
      Emotional support
      Access to support groups
      Access to webinars, articles and resources specific to your needs

      Take good care, Jane

  51. I am caring for a friend from church. She is like a mother to me and she says I am like her son. She is 79 years old and has had four operations on her left hip. She can only get around with a walker. I live with her and take care of her and I am unable to work because I have to look after my friend. Is there any kind of funding or support that I can get to help me pay my bills so that I can continue to look after my friend

    • Hi Tim,

      Unfortunately there is no caregiver pension which can help with paying your bills. The only assistance is really through tax credits, highlighted in the article. Sorry I don’t have better news for you.


  52. What do I qualify for im on quebec disability i have cancer cant live on 847 .00 a month I need your help

  53. I wish to inquire on how to get help to take care of my mom. I took her out of a care home because of all the pathetic and desusting rule of so called covid, now I am told there i a program that CAN help me get money so I can hire people to help with the care of my mom

    • The first thing to do Sylvia is to get in touch with your local health authority, called LHINs in Ontario. You should be able to find out what is available to help your mom through a doctor’s referral to the LHIN (or provincial equivalent). My suggestion, then, is to first call your mom’s physician.

      All the best to you, Jane

  54. Hello, my name is Cory Smith, I have been taking care of both my parents for quite some time, you can make it hard for me to work, but I have no problems helping them with the extra help they need. They are both elderly and both disabled, my father had a head injury which is caused dementia to set in, and has Parkinson’s setting in. Well my mother has spina bifida and scoliosis. I’ve been here with them for a little while taking care of them helping them with suppers and cleaning and laundry and bringing in firewood piling wood, getting the mail, mowing, shoveling. It can’t make it hard for me to get work and have full-time work oh, I was just wondering if there was an income that I could be making taking care of them? Thank you for your time.

    • Hi there Cory,

      Aside from the assistance cited in the article you read, there is no specific income you can make for taking care of your parents. Sorry, only tax credits!


  55. Just wanted information for finding i have ms .fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis and heart defeatAnd some disabilities after my stroke just wanting some information of whats available for me .

    • Hi there Angela,

      I would need more information about where you are located to be able to direct you further. Thanks, Jane

  56. I am 80 years old….I am moving into my granddaughters home so she can help me…I have fibromyalgia..osteoporosis. Fluid in my legs. at present I have a dead bone in my hip awaiting surgeon for surgery. I can’t walk on right leg therefore I use my walker. Can’t get in tub mysel to bathe as legs don’t hold me..can’t stand up at all so can’t cook clean or laundry…every day chores are to painful…my grandaughter will be my in house caregiver..can she receive a income for this
    sincerely Ann Vaughan

    • Hi Ann,

      I am sorry to report that there isn’t an income your granddaughter can receive for being your caregiver. I really wish there was.


  57. Hello I have been caring for my room mate, in whom has dementia for about 7 years now and am only on OAS & CPP widows benefit. Are they any benefits I can apply for?

  58. I am taking care of my son who had a bad accident at home and is now paraplegic.I am 72yrs old and he is single 47 yrs . 24/7 care is what he needs He has been living with me for 6 months now back from 8months in the hospital . What programs r available?

    Thank you

    • I am not sure where you live, but you may want to check out if your mother is eligible for family managed home care. Clients, or their substitute decision-makers, can speak to their care coordinator for more information about accessing Family-Managed Home Care. The public can call 310-2222 (without dialing an area code) to be connected to their Local Health Integration Network for more information.​

  59. My husband has COPD really bad and can’t do much or walk very fast or far, I was just wondering is there a way for me to become his home caregiver.

    • Good morning Bobbi-Jean. I presume you are asking whether you can get paid to be your husband’s caregiver and I am sorry, but the answer is no. There aren’t currently caregiver allowances for partners/spouses in Canada. Sorry to have to report this.

  60. I’ve been looking after 84years old man for the past 5 years with dementia,I was able to go to work but in the last year more difficult so I’ve been staying at home 24/7,he been living with me number of years,he’s OAP can’t cover the expenses,him and I have been friends for years and feels comfortable living at my place,I know him inside and out

  61. I am taking care of my husband who developed Stage 4 Lung Cancer on October 29, 2020.
    I am 76 and my husband is 77. I am going to keep my husband home until I can no longer be of help to him.
    Since I am keeping the government free of paying for a facility for him to live, plus nursing, plus feeding, plus keeping his upkeep; why can I not get a supplement to help with my needs?

    Thank you for listening,

    Betty Picard

    • I completely agree Betty. You are saving the government literally thousands of dollars. I truly wish there as financial help and recognition given to your important work!

  62. Hi there I take care of my non related “mom” who has been disabled from a bad car accident in 1996 and she has no hip is older , unable.to put weight on her leg and mobility is a issue as wel as bladder problems I do all her house cleaning and errands and anything else under the ADL definition, and I am there pretty much evrryday, I of course don’t ask her for compensation, I am a registered health care aid, and I I wondering If there are any programs she can apply for to help compensate me to take care of her and any other information would be helpful thamk you

    • Hi Amy,

      I am not sure where you live, but you may want to check out if your mother is eligible for family managed home care. Clients, or their substitute decision-makers, can speak to their care coordinator for more information about accessing Family-Managed Home Care. The public can call 310-2222 (without dialing an area code) to be connected to their Local Health Integration Network for more information.​

  63. Is there some kind of caregiver program that will allow me to stay home full time & get an income to care for my 87 year old mother with Alzheimer’s Disease.

    • Hi there Debora,

      I am sorry to report that there isn’t a caregiver program that provides an income to care for someone in their home.

  64. My mother-in-law has been living with me and my husband since October 1st 2020. She has alzheimer’s. Is there any financial help available.
    Thank you
    Mary Ann Braun

    • Aside from tax credits, there is no other financial help available, sorry to report.

  65. Hi! My name is Lydia Abiva. I been diagnosed with Auto Immune Encephalitis last May of 2020. I was confined for almost 2 months at University of Alberta. Since then, my family and I is in distress on how to cope up with this sudden change of our life. I lost my independence for my seizures attack anytime. I lost my memory, too! With my condition, an adult should always be around to watch me … even during sleep for as i mentioned, seizures can attack anytime.. an adult to supervise me to take my medications… i do have tons of medications that have to be taken at certain times

    • Hi there Lydia,

      I am sorry to hear about this dramatic and sudden change in your life and the life of your family. I encourage all of you to draw on all the help offered through your doctor, home healthcare and hospital staff. Please take good care.

  66. Hi! I been diagnosed with Auto Immune Encephalitis last May of 2020. I was confined for almost 2 months at University of Alberta. Since then, my family and I is in distress on how to cope up with this sudden change of our life. I lost my independence for my seizures attack anytime. I lost my memory, too! With my condition, an adult should always be around to watch me … even during sleep for as i mentioned, seizures can attack anytime.. an adult to supervise me to take my medications… i do have tons of medications that have to be taken at certain times

    • Hi Lydia,

      I am so sorry to hear about this sudden and dramatic change to your life, and by extension, your family’s life. I encourage you to draw on all support available, starting with homecare.

      Take good care, Jane

  67. Hello. I note there is mention of tax benefit for caregivers, but for caregivers of children or parents.

    I am providing full time, in-home caregiving for my spouse who is terminally ill. We have Palliative Care Services involved.

    My question is if you can direct me to any resources in this regard for spouses.

    Thank you,

    Kim Sutherland

    • Hi Kim,

      These tax benefits would also apply to you.

      Take good care, Jane

  68. I am a 75 year old pensioner who looks after a 96 year old widowed mother with later stage Alzheimer’s who has lived with me for the last 25 years. I am her sole caregiver however she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in the last 5 years. As you know this is a 24/7 responsibility. She has numerous medical appointments and personal errands that I drive her to. My question is that I have heard there is some type of reimbursement/contribution that I may be entitled to toward the purchase of another vehicle as mine is older and requires further maintenance/expenses in order to continue to provide transportation. Can you advise on this. Thank you

    • I am sorry but I am not aware of any type of financial reimbursement to help with vehicle costs. Could the pensioner pay you some funds for this assistance? Thanks for inquiry.

  69. I live in Brampton Ontario.
    I need financial help to take care of my disabled dad. I am doing this full time.
    Who can I contact for help. I am financially drained

  70. Hello I was wondering if there is something out there to help me out financially. My husband is on odsp, he had a stroke about 8 years ago during surgery for an aneurysm, I am a psw and had to quit my job to take care of him. He has right side deficit and speech deficit I’m needing help financially and don’t know where to turn no one can give me answers. Odsp said they don’t pay to look after my husband

    • Hi Dona,

      I am sorry to report there isn’t any further financial help. If you are unable to work, however, your husband’s ODSP should increase as your income is no longer there. Please discuss with ODSP worker. They don’t pay you to look after your husband per se, but the family income is less.

  71. I was wondering if a caregiver for a disabled husband can get back pay for the years that she cared for her husband and had to retire early in order to take care of him. He is already getting his disability tax credit so I wandered if a wife who is the caregiver can get tax credit for the past 10 years. Thank you ?

    • I believe that if your husband is claiming the disability tax credit, there is not a tax credit you can claim. I would suggest, however, that you check with Service Canada at 1 800 O-Canada (1-800-622-6232). Take good care.

  72. Hello,
    My husband and I are now caring for mother in law . We are wondering how to get some care for her while we work during the day. Before she moved in with us a mth Ago … she had home care helper where they checked on her and helped her to shower and some of the basic help. She previously lived on Quebec side. I’m at loss on how to find help for her. She will be 83, in poor health, has a bowel bag … has number ours health issues one of them she had few mild heart attacks in last six mths. We just registered her for Medicare card or health card I should call it. I hope you can help us in the right direction . We live in northern New Brunswick

    • Home First is a series of innovative approaches and initiatives to support seniors to live in their own homes and continue to be part of their communities. To support you and your family, the Government of New Brunswick would like to help identify available services in your community and discuss ways for you to maintain a healthy, active and independent lifestyle.

      If you or someone you care about is 65 years of age or older, you can call 1-855-550-0552 and request a home visit to learn about services and programs available in your community. Eligible seniors also have the opportunity to be provided with financial assistance (up to $1500) for minor in-home repairs that will improve the safety of your home.

      I believe this should get you the help you need> Take good care.

  73. I take care of my 88 year old mother, as of now she just has a hard time walking. When she came to live with me and still do now live in a tiny one bedroom apartment with stairs. So it is really hard for her to get up and down them. We have been trying to find a 2bedroom place without stairs like the bottomhalf of a house or apartment building with an elevator but the prices are to much because if something were to happen to her I couldn’t do it myself since I’m on ODSP & CPP she would love a porch to sit on and watch everything and I would love to make her last year’s happy it’s way to small in my place and nowhere to see anything. Is there any way to get help thank-you for listening Cindylee LeBlanc

    • Hi Cindylee,

      This is a tough situation and you are right, housing costs are very high these days. It may be worthwhile to apply for subsidized housing. I would need to know where you are located-where you live- to further direct you.

      Take good care, Jane

  74. Can everyone who is a caregiver apply for a grant? I am a caregiver for my husband who has dementia. I heard about this program through a friend and she suggested I inquire about it. She gave me the name of the person she spoke to and his name is John Ward.

    Please let me know how and if I would qualify.

    Thank you.

    • Hi Judy,

      I would need more information in order to answer your question. As far as I am aware, there are no specific ‘caregiver grants’ available. Sorry to inform you of this. Take good care.

  75. My 40 year old son is disabled (is on hemodialysis at home, is diabetic and at present cannot walk, and hasn’t for the past year, due to an infection in his foot that doesn’t seem to want to heal (trying to save his foot from amputation). At present he has a live in friend who is his caregiver. They live in a very low income area and have been broken into twice in the last month, once the perpetrator had a very large knife.. The police tell them they should move as they are now seen as vulnerable. Although he receives AISH and splits rent, it is really not enough to live on and, certainly he can’t afford to move.

    The person who has been helping him out for the past 7 or so years, i think is getting tired of doing this as things seem to get worse, not better both with my sons issues and the stress of where they live., Also cannot hold a job due to restraints caused by my son’s appts and needs.

    So my question is are there programs or housing or home care options etc that could provide him with a safe home and perhaps health care when needed. Obviously he cannot drive and is constantly seeing doctors and in hospitals. He definitely needs more care than we can provide. Just wondering what next steps could be.

    Any info would be appreciated.

    • Hi there Condy,

      What a difficult situation for all of you! I would need more information to be able to direct you to possible programs and different housing options. Most important to know is where your son lives.

      Take good care, Jane

  76. My brother helps care for me due to a sezure disorder. I just fall between the gaps. My doctor has signed the disability paperwork for ODSP but does not want to sign the federal paperwork. I can not work and I feel like a burden to my brother. I’m lucky that he keeps helping me. I could not afford the bedroom that he rents to me at a reasonable price. How can I help him. He is now on Old Age Security and CPP.

    • HI Gail,

      It sounds like your brother wants to help you. If you were a burden to him, do you think he would be helping you so much? I think what you can do to help him is simply acknowledge his help to you and your gratitude. Just have an open hearted conversation about you feel. You may be surprised at how your brother feels!

      Take good care.

  77. My husband’s children keep all of my husband’s OAS and CPP cheques. I am his total care giver. He lives with me. They have POA for Property and Health.
    Also I do not receive any benefits like caregivers or disability because they file his income taxes.
    Bev Fretz

    • Hi Bev,

      That sounds like quite a difficult situation. I wonder if you could broach this issue with any of your husband’s children-the one most receptive. It might help to be concrete about the costs and present the information this way.

      Please take good care.

  78. Hello, my husband got cervical ataxia, every day its challenging. his speech gotten worse, mobility, he use a walker.. i was wondering if i can apply to be his caregiver,be home with him all the time and be paid. He is not confortable with nobody else but me… and nobody can’t understand what he’s saying. Thank you.

    • Hi Adriana,

      Unfortunately, there isn’t a monthly caregiver pension.

  79. Hi..im looking for help..my dad might move with me and hes vision is almost gone..could i get help to build a extra room if its not safe for him to sleep in the basement?

  80. hi i look after my mom she cant get up can you send me a paper to fill i can get money looking after her

    • Hi Tammy,

      I am unaware of any pension or monthly income you can receive to look after your mom (unless you are living in Nova Scotia, you may eligible). Please take care.

  81. We need a family caregiver benefit in Canada in Ontario
    I am.taking care of a 98 year okd mentallly disabled and almost blind senior. She cannot be left alone and hiring outside caregivers at 18 to 29 dollars per hour is not possible
    I am 66 year old daughter and still need to work and have incurred exoenses bills taking care of her buying all food and helping with supplies, taxis to doctor, repairs and more , mobility utems werent even properly covered except tax credits
    I should be paid for this time and lost work time ain the form of a Caregiver Allowance ” monthly as they have in Nova Scotia, and in US .

    Family members are paid through medicare, in US
    Government contractef Health service companies receive thevmoney that we should be getting,

    Their area executives managers employees internally receive the government funds tax monies and offer inferior service in my opinion

    I only receive 4 hours per week PSW as a break respite care, its not enough time, I ahould be paid for my time, 40 hrs per week

    Long term care facilities are not good for all seniors as we have seen during Covid,

    SENIORS are better aging at home and the family members need to be properly compensated fOR doing the work that our tax dollars should be paying for . Canadians pay a lot of taxes and need better senior care .
    This is s major election issue Senior care and the expectation of boomers also seniors needing to carry the burden.
    This is a neglected issue and needs immediate remedy .
    T.S. Keefer

    • Thanks Susan for sharing such a thoughtful post which advocates wonderfully for seniors and caregivers.

  82. HI MY NAME IS MARY , I am looking after my mother who is 87 she suffers with dementia, I have a PSW that helps out.
    I have been on unemployment since May 2021 my work place is relocating and will open end of the fall.
    I will not be eligible for unemployment much longer and will not be able to go back to work with my mothers
    health declining. I hope there is a program that will help me financially,

    Please help me find a solution

    • Hi there Mary,

      I wonder if more PSW hours can be added to care for your mom. I am sorry to report that there isn’t a program that helps out financially when a daughter or son cares for their parent.

  83. I have been caring for my husband for quiet a while he does have a illness called depression and now has a very enlarged prostate and needs surgery. He is unable to make every day choices on his own

  84. Hi
    I am looking after my Mom who suffers from memory loss that makes it impossible for her to be alone do I qualify for any caregiving benefits in pei canada

  85. I am trying g to find out if I am eligible for some kind of caregiver benefit. I have a disability of just one leg. My wife as to help with my day to day living ?is there a benefit for her we are both seniors over 70 years of age

    • Sorry to report William that there are just tax benefits available to assist you and your wife.

  86. My brother who lives is Scarborough is looking after his wife suffering from Alzheimers. He’s got ailments himself too. However he needs financial aid to help him out. How does he go about it?

    • Hi there Irene,

      There isn’t any specific funding or financial aid to help someone caring for their spouse. I hope he is also getting help through the publicly funded home care services. This would be the Central East LHIN. Here is the contact information: Telephone:
      For general inquiries or to make a referral: Call 310-2222 (no area code required)
      Toll Free: 1-800-263-3877
      TTY Line: 1-877-743-7939

    • Hi Walter,

      There is currently no monthly caregiver benefit/pension in Canada. Sorry to have to report this.

  87. My husband is on ODSP and currently I am on his cheque. It has been this way for 15yrs now. My question is. I have never worked due to raising kids and my husbands disability. I am now almost 50 and extremely worried about MY future. What can someone like me do when I turn 65? Am I screwed? It has me so worried that I now have extreme anxiety and depression. Is there any help for someone like me?

    • You will receive the Old Age Security Pension, and if needed, the Guaranteed Income Supplement if you are eligible. Neither are dependent upon working, which is the good news!

  88. I’m in a situation where I need some senior care I have a distant relative helping with shopping for groceries
    He helps with housecleaning does some cooking
    I was in an auto accident in August 2007 with injuries to my ribs hips & back which started few years has turned into osteoporosis in most of the injuries from accident
    Have had cortisone shots but can’t get in all places I have pain tore muscle in my rotator cuff which is painful
    almost always
    Have arthritis in my hands now I have possibly carpal tunnel in my right arm have shooting pain
    To the point I have a distant relative providing w my daily chores grocery shopping & was wondering if there might be some funding to help provide a bit of compensation for his personal cost of taking care of me tried government support but nothing available at this time
    Thanking you in advance for your consideration any help would be appreciated.

    • Hi Lil,

      I am sorry to report that, aside from tax benefits, there isn’t funding to help relatives or friends who help with caregiving. I wish I had some better news for you. Take good car, Jane

  89. When are they getting financial help for caring for my father in law in Alberta . Unable to work due to helping him out on a daily base.

  90. Hi, my husband has Parkinson’s lewy body dementia is there anything in Manitoba with all the above. Thanks

  91. My husband has the onset of dementia, and can see that this is progressing fast. Is there any financial support in Ontario. I feel I will need to be home to make sure he is okay

    • Unfortunately Christine, the primary financial supports are in the form of tax breaks. There is no pension for caregivers, sorry to report.

  92. Hi
    I have a doubt my husband is getting money from odsp
    If he can receive any money from his parents if he will receive the money from his parents its affecet
    The odsp payment

  93. Is there any funding to help pay for private caregivers to keep your elderly parent home instead of going into a long-term care facility in Ontario

    • Hi Kathy,

      I am sorry to report that there is no such funding for private caregivers. I so wish they was such funding. Take good care.

  94. I have been cafing for my mother for t years. I am unemployed. Can i get some benifit for caring for her.

    • Hi there Sarah,

      There is currently no monthly benefit for caregivers in Canada, with the one exception of Nova Scotia (and this doesn’t include partners/spouses).

  95. I was suffering from Parkinson’s  since 5 years & life had become disastrous for me.75 % of my body was covered by Tremors.After taking herb at http://www.multivitamincare.org  under supervision of Dr. Jabu I started getting results within 3 to 4 weeks .Treatment went very well and tremors are gone.God bless

  96. My 87 year old mother lives next door to me and she is requiring more help. I work full time and I couldn’t help her the way I could before. However, I was diagnosed with severe arthritis in my feet and I’m finding I can’t stand for hours in my job. I’m hoping to go down to part time and help her more, but I’m worried about that. My mom is wondering if there is help from the government so I can be her paid caregiver. This way it helps me and it keeps her from going in to a home, which isn’t what she wants.

    • I am sorry to report Melissa that there isn’t financial help from the government to be your mom’s paid caregiver. I really wish there were, as it can mean people can stay in their home longer, which is what most people want.

      Take good care, Jane

  97. My mother recently broke her hip. She is disabled prior to broken hip with limited mobility. My dad claims her as a dependent that has disability. Now that she has broken her hip she is requiring home care that is beyond my dads abilities. I have taken two months off for her care. I come over early AM and leave when she goes to bed and would like to file for this tax benefit. Can I claim this without affecting my dad claiming mom as dependent?

    • I am not absolutely certain. It is best to check with a tax expert/accountant. I think there may be a way you can split the credit. Take good care, Jane

  98. I had a blackout
    broke my shoulder
    I can not do anything for myself
    my sister came to give me homecare
    how can I get her paid
    as Fraser Health can not provide for me

    • Hi Terrie,

      I am sorry to report that you can’t get your sister paid to care for you. I wish I had a different answer! ARe you receiving publicly funded home care? If no, I suggest you call your doctor and ask for some assistance in the home.

      Take good care, Jane

  99. I live in N.B. My 92 year old father fell, broke his hip and had a hip replacement April 2021. Since that time I have been taking care of my father’s needs. I was sleeping at his home for 3 months while he was recovering, making his meals and providing care for all his daily requirements. After this 3 month period, I sometimes sleep over at his house. When I do not sleep at his house, I visit every morning at breakfast, every afternoon at lunch and every evening at supper, as well as drive my father where he needs to go. (Doctors, groceries, drug store, etc.) my question is do I qualify for any tax credits provincial or federal, such as the CCC tax deduction or any other programs.
    Stephen Giovannetti

  100. Hello I am looking and trying to search for help and resources my mom had a significant stroke and is in rehab right now with a discharge date of a month away . We are in Orangeville Ontario . Is there things my mom or myself as care giver are entitled to as she is 24 hour care and I understand government will provide 1-2 hrs of psw support is all.

    • Hi Shirley,

      It is best to discuss this with the discharge planner. The hospital will also have a LHIN case manager, and home care can be set up from the hosptial so that the transition is smooth (er). You can also ask for a social work referral to help you find out financial options for yourself and your mother. All the best!

  101. Is it possible to find a live in caregiver for my brother in law. He is 80 years old and is suffering from a stroke. He has a home close to Dauphin, Manitoba. Our phone number is (403) 553-2012. Thank you.

  102. Hi I was wondering if I was able to get a tax brake for being the sole caregiver for my wife. I would appreciate it if you could let me know thanks.


  103. Hello I am caring for my mother who has stage four lung cancer and cannot walk other than using a walker. Is there any funding so that I can put her on the main floor with a hospital bed, and a stair lift? I am a single mom and work full-time. Thank you PS I am in Ontario

    • Hi there Susan,

      I would discuss this matter with the Care Coordinator. You could ask for a referral for an occupational therapist, who will be able to advise about a stair lift and hospital bed and funding for these items. Your mother is most fortunate to have you take care of her, especially given you are a single mom and are also working full time. Take good care, Jane

  104. My sister is Schizophrenic, and she no longer is capable of living on her own.I would like to know if we are eligible to obtain financial compensation to have her live in a suite in a home, with us?

    Beth Hynes

    • Hi Beth,

      I don’t believe there is financial compensation for this, but I would call your local MPP’s office and ask, just to be sure!

  105. My common law man had his leg ?removed and I am taking care of him

  106. Will the government pay someone to do home care for me i am 74 and because of serious injuries i need help with bathing laundry getting groceries etc can u help me

    • Hi Penny,

      I would suggest you speak with your doctor first, as you may be eligible for home care services. If you get a LHIN referral (they have just renamed themselves Community and Social Services), they should be able to provide you with personal care assistance, and let you know about community services and volunteer services for other help. Take good care.

  107. I took my mother home from the from the nursing home because she wasn’t being taken care of and I like to know who I can get in contact What does see if I can get any help

  108. Is here nothing in Ontario for the legally blind? I have a friend that needs help 247 ..he is legally blind but and NEEDS someone to live with him to help with cooking and plus he is also diabetic…so he needs his needles prepped several times a day

    • The person should be eligible for a disability pension. And they are likely also eligible for home care services. I suggest they talk first to their doctor about it.

  109. My mother ad a stroke. She is 77years old.I am her son I am 56 years old. We live together. I am receiving disability. I want to keep looking after my mother and stay in her home with her. Sh receives Guaranteed income Supplement. Money is very tight. Do I qualify for any govt. subsidy?

    • Sorry to report that you don’t qualify for a government subsidy.

  110. hello my name is Chris I’m 23 years old and I’m unemployed I’m taking care of my 47-year-old mother who has MS
    shes on disability im looking for a program or benefit for taking care of her i live in BC

  111. My husband has been diagnosed with cancer why was he denied disibility ???

    • Hi Gale,

      I am sorry to hear that. I am sorry but we only have Canadian resources.

  112. I’m writing to you as I have a aging parent whom I will be taking care of as Iam her daughter. Please advise me what program in Ontario do I qualify for as I am retired but make under the allowable salary. Could you please email me the appropriate forms ? Is it the Canada Caregiver credit ? In addition I donot have a scanner or printer so would you be so kind as to mail out these forms to 2333 Taunton Rd – Suite 536 Oakville Ontario- L6H ON5 . I’m on a fixed income and donot make enough money to pay my rent . This is why Iam applying. Sincerely Elena Mauro My contact is 4168869949

    • Hi Elena,

      There is no salary you would be able to collect, as there are no monthly pensions benefits for caregivers. You may be able to apply for tax credits however. My suggestion is that you call your local MPP’s office and ask them to outline all the financial assistance available to you and to mail out the attendant forms to you. Here is the contact information: Stephen Crawford, MPP

      District government office in Oakville, Ontario
      Address: 74 Rebecca St, Oakville, ON L6K 1J2
      Open ⋅ Closes 5 p.m.
      Phone: (905) 827-5141

      All the best, Jane

  113. My mom is very old she has been living with us for a while now and I’m tired now I can’t really take care of her much because I’m not physically fit. I need a caregiver for her but I can’t afford it . Where can I apply for a fully covered caregiver.

    • I am sorry to report that there is no such thing as a fully covered caregiver.

  114. i am a Canadian PR living in BC driving UBER AND LYFT but for last one week i am taking care of my father who is admitted in hospital due to Cancer, Can i apply for caregiver benefits as i am not able to work now/

    • I am sorry to report that there is not monthly caregiver benefit.

  115. I live in Gatineau and my 78 years old mom lives with me but I have to work in order to pay house and all bill. Her doctor gave us a letter 2 years ago stating she could no longer live alone. And the salary I’m making is not enough. Is there anything that the government can do to help me.

    • I am sorry to report Marie-anne that tax benefits are really the only financial assistance available. I wish there was a caregiver’s pension benefit.

  116. I care for my mother with signs of dementia and my husband with schizophrenia and try to hold my job 4 days a week. I honestly find this challenging on day to day and feel I need to be home 24/7. Is there any funds I am qualified for to make up my wages and support both loved ones?

    • Hi Ginger,

      I wish there was more support for you. Unfortunately, it is primarily tax benefits, which don’t come close to an income.

  117. HI
    My mother and I need help.She is 86 years old and I am 67. I had 2 strokes and my mother is also not well.
    Can you help us with stair lifts, they don’t have to be new. We also need a walk in tubs could you please send any information.
    Thank You, Deborah

    • Hello Deborah,

      My suggestion is that you ask your mom’s doctor for a referral for homecare services, and an occupational therapist in particular to assess and offer options re stair lifts and walk in tubs. Take good care, Jane

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    • Thanks for the compliment Jamel. Our website is being revised to make reading even easier but you can still access all of our blogs/articles at http://www.elizz.com

  120. Hello.

    I will be caring for my grandfather. I am able to work some of the time for now, wondering if there is any kind of funding available for me as I cannot work fulltime while caring for him.

    • Hi Shar,

      Sorry to report that, at this time, there really are only tax benefits unless it is compassionate care for end of life care you are providing. In that case, you may be able to apply for Employment Insurance Benefits.

  121. I Wish I know more about these help that is out there before I started caring for my mother , and now dealing with PSW that is a hold nodded of fish.

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  123. I look after my elderly mom full plus I work a full time job. It’s too much can I get paid to stay home & look after mom full time she needs someone 24/7 ?

    • Hi Lisa,

      Unfortunately, there is no monthly caregiver pension that is available to care for elderly parents…sorry to report!


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    • Hi Susana,

      thanks so much for letting us know. We are in the process of ‘refreshing’ our website and all should be fixed by the end of this month!

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