Accessible Community Foot Care Services
Our Mobile Foot Care service brings expert preventative care to your home or convenient community locations. Designed to make foot health services more accessible, we ensure timely treatment while reducing the need for long travel to traditional facilities.
Specialized nurses offer toenail trimming, foot health education, thorough examinations, and retinal scanning for diabetes, helping prevent complications such as infections and other serious conditions. Whether at home or in the community, our service is tailored to support your journey to healthier, pain-free feet. Our services include:

Care Plan
We work with you to learn about your family’s specific needs and concerns. Then, your Care Team develops a customized plan and selects a Caregiver based on your loved one’s preferences and personality.

High Quality Care
You Can Trust
Elizz caregivers receive ongoing training in research-based best practices. Back-up and 24/7 support are provided by your Care Team, assuring you of safety and consistent coverage.

Professional Care
Team & Over 110
Years of Experience
To provide the best care at home, our Caregivers are fully supported by a Care Team that includes a Care Coordinator and senior Advisers. We’re part of SE Health, a leading non-profit home care provider helping more than 20,000 Canadians every day.

Navigation, Planning & Support
Caregiving can be deeply rewarding but it’s seldom easy. Our highly experienced Care Advisors can help you with ‘all things caregiving’ – including future planning, emotional support, and access to resources.
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